Ground shadows problem

Started by DBKeyshot, June 11, 2010, 06:07:17 AM

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Hi All-
Seems to be a problem in Keyshot 1.9 where ground shadows ON makes for a bad edge on the item being rendered. This happens with many items, such as an appliance lifted off the counter by rubber feet, a mouse lifted up a few mm by the glide pads, and so on.  Turning up the shadow quality doesn't seem to help. Turn off ground shadows, and the problem goes away. I've attached three JPEGs - my scene, the problem area in detail with and without ground shadows on. Seems to occur on items with a curved edge. Again, the letters in my scene are slightly above floor level. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks.



Please ignore the pink underneath, it was my backplate, which I am using just to match the perspective I want for the letters. (backplate.jpg came from Pro-E drawing file)


What version of 1.9 are you using? Make sure you use 1.9.54.


I just installed 1.9.54, and the problem remains. It seems the only thing to do is to place an object under the item (I've placed a photo studio ramp, and given it a red velvet material)


Have you tried a setting between 2-4 to see what you get?


This is a well-documented problem with v1.9.x.x and there are several similar posts. I've had the same thing happen with certain models and the only way I could prevent it was to use a dummy ground plane as you have done.
I'd be interested to know whether this is overcome in version 2.0 - anyone care to verify?


Today I tried rendering with all of the settings turned up, and still the problem remains. (please see the images) I would be grateful if someone would like to try it in KS 2.0. The file can be downloaded from:

Thank you.


We will take a look - can you zip the scene, please?


Hi Thomas, did you receive my email with the zip file? I upgraded to KS 2 and the problem remains. Thanks!


Upgrade to 2.0.46 and the problem is gone!


Success! Thanks for including the fix in the update.
