Jagged shadows / reflections

Started by solodesign, June 21, 2010, 09:04:42 AM

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Hi, everybody.
It' s me again with new problems.
You can find attached an image with our best results trying to eliminate those jagged shadows (or jagged reflections) between yellow/green screen and white board.
We checked similar discussions about same problems and tryed all possible suggested solutions but still got same result.
Any hint?

Thank you,



Please make sure that Sharp Shadow is checked in the render settings, or settings tab if you are using KeyShot 1.9.


Scaling up the entire model seems to fix the issue for me.   I scale up (max setting) twice. I'm dealing with small hand sized objects at the moment and have found this to work so far.   

In KS2 select the entire model (in scene tab model tree) scale up to max setting (3) and hit "snap to ground"   Rise and Repeat. 

Now that the shadows are looking good I want to understand the relation ship between scaling objects and perspective/ lens focal lengths.  I'm a stickler for accuracy and I want my objects to be rendered portraying the correct perspective (as a human would see the object) at the correct scale.  Now I'm concerned that by fixing the shadows with adjusting the scale that my imagery is no longer as displayed as precise as my modeling software (where the measurement are accurate).  Perhaps different mode for general scale in keyshot are needed?  watch size mode/car scale mode/etc...  I could be just confusing myself over scale too..

I hoping Henrik or Thomas will chime in about this. 


I checked Sharp Shadows and also tried scaling the object.
The result is what you see above.
As I said, I checked previous similar threads in this forum and tried with all suggestions in other topics.



Just a thought, something to test but maybe not in the end useful.  Try separating the yellow surface and the white surface at their intersection by a small amount and see if that eliminates the problem.



Sorry, but they' re already detached by a small space.



Hi all,
so what is the solution to this problem????? Buying a new software (V-Ray)??? ;)

I tried evrything (gap between parts, scaling object, diffrent shadow qualities, etc...) but nothing worked out really successful.


Increasing the Global Illumination Quality may help - have you tried this?


Hello Thomas,

as I said, I tried evrything, also the global illumination.
No satisfying result, sorry.
See attached files (please excuse bad quality but I zoomed in).
Matt surface color works better. but I can not change clients wish.
And I want a professional tool to work with, without trickying around.
Last chance is Photoshop.
I hope the next update will solve this problem.


What version of KeyShot are you using? Also - can you share the file? If so - please send directly to me - thomas@luxion.com.

Thanks, Thomas


Hello Thomas,
after fighting around, I came to a quite good result.
The files are imported directly from Rhino 4.0 (high polygone resolution). Better results I had with Step files but longer loading time.
So I imported Rhino datas and the critical parts as Step files. Than I had size problems (diffrent tile size although merge with current... and same coordinates.. ON). No good way.
Finally I booled the two main parts as you can see on jpg04 what means no diffrent colors possible, and rendered it in good quality Keyshot 2.0.
That means more than half an hour rendertime on a Quad Core Dell workstation.
The result in global is OK, but in detail there are still some jagged shadows also in areas which made no problems before.


I read in another topic that KS 2.0.46 solves the problem with jagged ground shadows.
Could it be that 2.0.46 solves this problem too?
Where do I get it?
