defects in render mode

Started by fario, January 23, 2013, 05:28:18 AM

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Do you know why I have these defects in the rendering?

Yet I have all my settings at maximum.

Thank you in advance.


Hard to say from that image resolution, but you might have normals flipped in your tessellation.


- tesselation
- 2 planes touching
- hdri resolution
- ground plane size
- imported geometry
- ...

have all been issues witch related to shadows in the past.  I feel like I forget one, but I dunno ..  ;)
What happens if you zoom in on the highlighted area ?


Does the same thing happen when you render with a time limit?
Are those surfaces behind a glass lid? If so, it might be a global illumination problem.

I've run into likewise problems before when rendering objects behind glass, but only when using the advanced rendering mode. Time limit rendering went just fine.



- tesselation                          perfect
- 2 planes touching                no
- hdri resolution                     512x256
- ground plane size                 32
- imported geometry              -
- ...

size 4000x4000

Here is a closer view image with the same problem.


Looks like global illumination splotches to me.
On this type of scenes, they are hard to avoid when using advanced rendering.



For this scene you can use the max samples or time limited render modes. I believe the issues you are seeing are in the indirect lighting caused by the small geometric features.

One other option is to render the image at a higher resolution than you need and then reduce the size after it is done.

It would be great if you could share this model with us at so we can take a look at it.


Thank you very much for all your answers.

In fact, checking my file, I see that there is a little gap between the two parts of approximately: 0.05mm.

What makes that there is a ... mini shadow Keyshot must be resolved between the two parts.

Sorry, the problem is the accuracy of my modeling.
But it was interesting and informative!
