Undo not working

Started by cash68, July 07, 2010, 08:34:48 AM

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Anybody else having this problem?   It's screwed me up a few times already.


I noticed the same thing and was about to post the question, "What does "Undo" undo?

It doesn't seem to work for anything - camera changes, object moves, material changes, etc.



It is currently only working for material changes. More will follow.


Doesn't work there either.   Seriously guys.... KeyShot 2 comes out, and undo doesn't even freaking work?

What the f*ck?


Undo is not working for material settings on my latest version 2.0.38


Me too- I mentioned this to Thomas privately.  In 1.9 (KS1) Ctrl + Z was the "Undo", and applied as it should to materials only.  In KS2 it does not work yet for SolidWorks imports (but will, I assume) but it does work for .obj imports.  We really have to have a "material undo" capability.  It would be great if there was a separate "undo whatever we just did" capability as well.

Same kind of issue is happening for me with "Hide/undo hide".  It's not sequencial (sp) in that you hide a series of parts/materials, and then un-hide, it's not in sequence- something somewhere else un-hides instead.  Only option is to show all and start over.  This really needs to be fixed.

Bill G


Speedster - this is incorrect - because in the end a SolidWorks Import is an obj import.

I was able to reproduce the hide/unhide issue, though. We will fix this soon.


Hi Thomas;
Sorry!  I did not know that a SW import is actually an obj.  This old dog just learned a new trick!  But I won't ask how it's done!
Bill G


It seems to me that 'undo' works in random order. Meaning: When I click undo, it will not undo my last material change, but maybe the third last â€" or fifth last â€" or sixth... I have not been able to find a pattern to this madness however. The very last action is about the only thing it will not undo. This is the same for "undo" (Should be named 'undo material change') and for 'Undo hide part'.

Is a solution on it's way?




Glad to hear, Thomas.
