Environment Saving with Scene? (KS4)

Started by CAClark, March 31, 2013, 07:22:30 AM

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Is it just me, or is the environment not saving correctly with the scene.

I have a scene where I have edited and created a custom HDR environment. It's all setup, saved etc.... but when I go back and reload the scene, I'm back to the startup environment, and I have to find the edited one again, and then try and find how it was all setup.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this an issue that needs resolving?



I have not heard of this issue before. Environments are being saved. If the problem persists please contact support@luxion.com


This only happens to me if, after saving the .BIP file you move the .HDR that is being specified in the Environment Tab to a new location on your system - therefore KS can't find it

It's the same with textures... I often wish KS would prompt you with a list of what files are missing as I've got quite a few scene files that I want to use again, but because my system has changed, files that are being referenced have moved etc.