Setting pivot point(s) on non-animated model

Started by menkei, April 16, 2013, 11:31:07 AM

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Is it possible to create specific pivot points on a non-animated model? I need to position a character in various poses (character has ball and socket joints), but when picking a part to rotate/move, the pivot point seems to default to the centroid of the part(s) selected. I've tried creating separate "placeholder"pivots (in the modeling software), reimporting, and then picking those first, then the rest of the arm /leg parts but it still selects the centroid (of all parts picked) as the pivot. I know this can be done in an animation but I just need to create different poses in a static model.
I did search the message boards but haven't found anything about this.




Not that I am aware of, KS is fundamentally a render engine so its use of animation is somewhat limited when compared to other modelling and rendering packages such as Maya/Max/Blender etc. If you package you use for modelling has a KS plugin, then you can do your positioning and animation sequence with that and add KS as your render engine of choice rather than try and modify things in KS  ...




Thanks Martin, unfortunately, that's what I was afraid of. I was hoping that since KS would let you create your own pivot points while in animation mode, there would be a way to do it in normal mode.  It would make life a whole lot easier!


Well if KS allows you to do it in animation mode, then you could create the animation to move it to the pose/position you want and then render that single frame. So you would have like a two frame animation with starting point and ending point and then just render frame two when you have positioned everything how you want.

would that work ?



Yeah, I had thought of that as well, and it would work. The problem is with the number of characters to pose, and the amount of poses I need to do. It would take quite awhile to animate everything. I think I'll have to do the posing in the modeling program and import/render the scenes in KS.
Thanks for the idea...I appreciate the help.



I know I'm bumping this thread, but I'm surprised to find there isn't any way of picking a pivot point. I need to show a door closed and then open. I didn't have the foresight to model the part with coord sys centered on the hinge axis. It makes it very hard to rotate.


If you have the animation add-on, you CAN use any object to act as a pivot point for the rotation of your part/assembly.
You can use that functionality to create stills too.



Unfortunately, no animation. I doubt my company will cough up the cash for it either. It looks like using the local axis doesn't even use the opbjects coordinate system as the pivot point. Frustrating!