Reordering Model Parts in Tree or Grouping New Assemblies

Started by multitech, April 18, 2013, 06:51:40 AM

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Hi Guys,

I don't know if this is possible, but it would be great if Keyshot would allow the user to drag and drop model parts from one sub-assembly to another in the scene tree  Or let you select multiple parts in different assemblies to form a new sub-assembly  Reordering parts in assemblies or creating new assemblies would allow you to rotate multiple parts by creating one animation with one axis of rotation for the sub-assembly versus multiple animations with different values.

The reason I would like this feature:  I'm trying to animate wheels on a loader rotating.  This sounds easy but can be a pain to do.  The wheels, tires, and valve stems are in one sub assembly; the axle, hubs, and studs are in another; and the lug nuts are in a another group.  I can cut and paste animations to all these parts, but they might have a positive or negative rotation or some rotate around the z axis or others rotate around the y axis.  It's difficult to keep tract of one wheel set with over two dozen rotation animations with different values.  It's even worse since I have four wheel sets and the left and right sides might need to rotate in the opposite direction for skid steer turning.

Also, the helper object selection for animation rotation uses a pop up scene tree window.  On large assemblies, it can be difficult to find your helper part when it is buried in multiple sub-assemblies.  I need to write down the top level assembly, sub-assemblies, and part number to find it again.  And if you have multiple parts with the same number or name, you have to cycle through them all to find your part.  Screen selection would be very helpful!

Mike  :o



I don't do animations in KeyShot, but organizing the object tree (rearrange, group/ungroup etc.) would definitely be a time-saver!