Newbie question.. Parts and Assembly

Started by musseilm, May 14, 2013, 07:02:56 PM

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Tried to look around the forum and manual for a answer.
I have a dozen of assemblies that contain the same parts... I applied some materials to the parts by importing the parts into keyshot. And they look great!
Now when i open the assembled files all the materials on those parts are missing.

Is there any solution for this? Seems like alot of work to apply the same materials to same parts but in different assemblies.

Thank you


Read the section on 'Material Templates' - it might be just what you need.


Quote from: jhiker on May 15, 2013, 12:51:43 AM
Read the section on 'Material Templates' - it might be just what you need.

Thank you Jhiker. That solved my problem..

Here is a video tutorials about Material Templates