Problems with Polygroups Zbrush/keyshot

Started by graygary, July 05, 2013, 01:02:54 AM

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Hello here!

My name's Gary, I'm a french concept artist in the video game industry.
Some months ago, I started to use Zbrush to my pipeline, and now at work I try to add Keyshot to make beautiful

I know that you can make polygroups on an obj in zbrush and then import it on Keyshot to add different material on each OBJ.
But for some reasons that I don't understand it doesn't work for me. When I import my subtool who has 4 polygroups in keyshot, Keyshot react like my OBJ
had 13000 polygroups (sometimes even more) and I don't know why.
I tried 12 differents way to export and import my OBJ but it does not work.

I have made some screen capture to explain the problem, because english is not my mother tog so it can be tricky for me

hope you can help me.


What if you import with "keep individual parts" turned off ?


I have tried this too
keyshot import the OBJ in one piece but I cant unlink the material at all. :/


In ZBrush try splitting the polygroups into Subtools

Subtool menu | Groups Split

I'm sure that will work if you then do as Philippe says and ' Keep Individual Parts' ticked



Just tried it quickly and it does work... just split your polygroups using the method described above



yep this method is working but with this method you have to import as much OBJ for one piece that you have polygroups in the beguinning.
In my first post you can see that one subtool (the first) is one subtool whith 2 polygroups, and keyshot understand that.
but for the others, who where ewported with the same method ans it does not works.

I want to keep my polygroups to not have to import 100 different subtool


Then just re-combine the subtools that you don't want to be separate...


Either way, it remains weird that one scene works as expected and the next doesn't.

KS-guys should look into that.





Hey all, just found another workflow which works quite easily, while we wait for the Bridge.

In Zbrush, polygroups split to subtools, or if you already have separate subtools for sections of your model, just go straight to Tool > Clone all Subtools. This combines them, but keeps them as separate meshes within the one tool/object.

Then you can export your OBJ, open in KS, and you don't need to specify Materials > Keep Individual Parts.

Then under the Scene tab, expand your object to show each original polygroup/mesh section. You can then drag materials on to each 'group' here. Rename them to make it easier to identify each part!