Changing 3D software

Started by number12, July 05, 2013, 09:34:22 AM

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Hi guys, I'm thinking about changing the 3D modelling software we use in our studio (we are currently a bit stone aged and use Maya 2008 but it has a LOT of bugs etc) and was wondering if any of you had any thoughts on what is good 3D modelling software at the moment, especially to integrate into Keyshot? We are using Macs! Eek!!  ;)

We have looked at a few and to be honest so far, from what we can make out, the best modelling software (we think) is Cinema 4D BUt we were'nt sure how compatible it was with Keyshot.. Alternatively if there's anybody out there who's using a Mac and can recommend some 3D modelling software we'd be very grateful to hear your thoughts. Thanks.


I use Cinema 4D, I have done since it's first release in the late 90's... It is a first rate modelling app but like most 3D apps it has it's pro's and con's

Modo (which I also own) is also a good choice, as is Nevercenter's Silo which is a subdivision modeller

They all export .OBJ's which are compatible with KeyShot



Hi number 12,
Are you able to tell us what kind of modelling you do?
In my opinion Alias is king for NURBS, but Rhino5 on mac is looking like it will be pretty competent. Also if T-splines is available for rhino osx on release, i think that might draw you in that direction.

For sculpting take your pick from Zbrush or mudbox. If SubD is your thang then I don't really know, but modo and cinema 4d are available (I dont think Keyshot imports native C4D files though).



What 3D software isn't buggy?


Thanks guys.
To be honest we are a commercial art studio and model everything from packaging to cars to organic stuff, it's really that varied.
For most of the organic stuff we generally use Z brush though.

Metalmaster, do you find it integrates well with Keyshot?

I suppose our biggest concern is changing all the file formats as we have hundreds of Maya files, not sure what we'd do there??  :-\


ZBrush creates files that work well in KeyShot, it doesn't integrate as such, insofar as there are no connectivity plug-ins like C4D & ZB

My worflow involves creating sculpts in ZBrush, then decimating and spitting out an .OBJ that is small enough to be handled once exported - normally I aim for between 200 and 300 MB, but to be honest KS is robust enough to handle meshes twice or three times that size.

Its the same for Cinema 4D



Plugin for zbrush is ready to be tested. Contact if you are interesting in trying it.

- Henrik


My friends who run a Mac studio are using Rhino on there Macs using Parallels. The new version has been completely stable for them, and they run it in a window so it is just like another program running on OSX, and it doesn't change everything to Windows.