Smooth Arcs

Started by maymay, July 10, 2013, 02:00:58 PM

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I have the tessellation set pretty high at .875, and the Solid Edge model has been sharpened to 4 (out of 5). Is there a way to increase the number of segments in these arcs? These are a lot larger than most of the elements in the scene. Could that be a cause?


We are only reading the tessellated information from the SE file on Windows. You would need to further refine the edge length inside SE.


Hmm, they're arcs, but importing as highly segmented. This image is from Solid Edge.


There is an option in Solid Edge for arc smoothness, but I didn't think it would be causing this since it doesn't appear that way in Solid Edge.


Tried changing the arc setting in Solid Edge, it didn't help any.


To set the Arc Smoothness for exporting to keyshot:
1. Select the Application Button in Solid Edge and select Save As > Save As Translated. 
2. Set the filter to Keyshot (*.bip).
3. Go to the options and drag the slider to the right to increase the sharpeness. 
This should do the trick!


Thanks Doug! Much appreciated.


Thanks SolidEdgeGuy, I didn't know that was there!