IZ-350 Motorcycle from WWII

Started by TpwUK, September 30, 2013, 07:26:02 AM

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I rendered these pictures just over a month ago for the modellers of the motorbike. You can see the full range of renders here ...

The model can be found and downloaded for free from here ...

Renders were done with KS4.1 :)



Love the paint scheme on the first one, but feel the image could be pushed a tad further. Rougher tires and slightly rougher paint in general. It may be that the backplate seems off from the model.


Thanks for suggestions Josh. I struggled with the tyre texture and it does show, but ran out of trial licence time so couldn't spend any further time on it :(

The paint work has orange peel added and looks pretty cool on close-up. The backing on the first shot is the standard one in Keyshot's HDRI libraries and i't a pain in the backside too trying to camera match it so I just settled for blurring it heavily with DOF :)




I don't know if it's just my computer/gfx card but the backplates in KS all seem to be 4:3 rather than 16:9 and even though you can disable resizing in prefs, it just don't seem to work here and i end up with a 4:3 ratio render on a 16:9 display with massive black margins on either side, even if i use huge images {(non keyshot ones) i still get the same problems, so i tend to settle for studio shots. Then I have waaaaaaay to much fun rendering that i forget to go back to these problem renders and run out of time :P
