Magazine cover- "TENMILE 1879"

Started by Speedster, October 07, 2013, 05:23:50 PM

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Hi all;

Been working up a magazine cover in 4.2.30 beta.  So far, so good!

"TENMILE"  (all caps) is my favorite locomotive, which I modeled in SolidWorks back in 2006 and 2007.  It was my first serious work in the field of Industrial Archeology, and took about 250 hours of research in museums, libraries, tons of photos, and lots of help from historian friends of mine, and about 150 hours of modeling.  It's considered the most accurate model of this famous locomotive, described in the press at the time as "the Swiss Watch of Locomotives".  I was honored when it won the SolidWorks International Design Competition in 2008.

I first rendered it back in KeyShot 1, and felt it was time for an fresh new look.  No kidding!  It's like night and day, and it's amazing how far KeyShot has come in just a few years!

The beautiful color scheme, unusual even in 1879, was uncovered by noted historian Jim Wilke, from a letter by the Mason Locomotive Works Paint Shop Foreman, describing the "lovely chocolate brown and red palette Mr. Mason had chosen".

Part of my goal, aside from accurate modeling, is to present these projects in color for the first time.  TENMILE had never been seen in color by anyone living, and of course color photography did not exist.  Much of what we know is based on period hand-tinted engravings.  So now KeyShot is my "vintage color camera".

Lest anyone thinks I cheated, I attached a clay model.  And it actually came in handy, as when you're working post it's easy to forget your sun (light) angle.  Comments always most welcome!

Bill G


very cool train model Bill! it looks gorgeous.
The comments I can give you are mostly about the overall lighting and post effects. I know you wanted to create more depth by putting the cut out tree/bushes in front of it...but its a way too obvious to me. The main light source as seen from the clay render shadows is a way too low compared to those god rays in the back plate which suggest that the sun should be higher up in the sky.
Not sure also if you like to present it as its a brand new model or perhaps a train that has been in use for some time and therefore in the need of more weathering and in general texturing work, I think that would help a lot to make it look less CG. And perhaps play with a completely different Enviroment/lighting and so explore more options?
keep it up!!


I hope you dont mind Bill :) I played with Photoshop for 5-10 min...and even with the same lighting a playing around with PS you can get so much with your amazing model/render



Very nice and a very very nice edit there M !


Stunning research and modelling bill !!

Chad Holton

Great job, Bill!  :)  Maybe a hint of motion blur on the wheel assembly?


Detail is amazing Bill. Wow! Love the residue around the smoke stack. Nice touch!


Love it! And the PS treatment from Marco is great. But yes, needs motion blur on the wheels.



Hi guys!

Wow!  I really appreciate the comments and suggestions!  These are exactly the type of suggestions we all ask for, and are seldom disappointed. And it's good to see our Forum getting "back on track" after the tsunami disaster!

I've always debated how to show the surface condition of my historical subjects, and I have mixed emotions about it.  Show them clean or dirty?

Like materials:  Craftsmanship was at its peak in the late 19th Century and was exemplified in the manufacture of machinery.  Castings were "Fettled and Rubbed"- that is the rough surfaces were chiseled and filed smooth, then filled with a varnish and talc putty, much as we use auto body filler today.  Then rubbed out to an almost mirror surface, painted (by hand) with varnish, rubbed out again, and so forth.  Same with wood, except it was often left natural rather than painted.  Even museum restorations seldom go to this historically correct extreme due to the ungodly cost.

Locomotives represented a huge capital investment, often 40% or more of total capital outlay.  So they were impeccably maintained and always spotless, at least until the recession in the late 1890's.  "Wiper Boys", usually 12-16 years old, were employed to wipe down every square inch, inside and out, after every run.  This was where every budding railroadman started as training for later apprenticeship in the various trades.  The (always grumpy) Shop Foreman would don white gloves and run his hand behind everything- God help the kid if he got grease or soot on his glove!  The point is, they were always spotless, and for a reason.  Soot and road dirt would embed in grease and wear out the soft materials, as few were hardened.  So cleanliness was critical to longevity and safety.  And a mark of pride.

Having said that, they do look very CG!  So now I'm focusing on texturing and some light dirt and soot from several hours on the line.  Thanks Marco for the guidance on this!  You know how much I respect your opinion!

And I totally agree on the cookie-cutter trees and stuff.  I was so proud of myself until I fired it up again this morning and, well, you know the feeling!  Less is Best!  I might mention that the KeyShot was raw, with no post.

Motion blur is problematic.  Partially because I have no idea how to do it!  Also, it not just the wheels but the entire complex rod and valve motion to deal with.  But basically, a high speed in the Rocky Mountains was maybe 5 MPH.  The cameras of the day were like one minute exposures, so for photos the trains were almost always stopped.  So for the new renders, which I'll post when ready, tell the story of what was commonly called the "Photographer's Special"- just a locomotive and caboose.  The railroads commissioned well known photographers like William Henry Jackson to shoot images used for engravings and advertising.  (I have a signed one!). They would find a good photo spot, stop, unload and set up, pull several 11x17 glass plates, and move on.  Often lasted a week, camping along the way. 

But enough yakking and back to work! Much to learn as I move more toward CG art instead of medical device design- that stuff's easy! 

Thanks so much!

Bill G


Really cool image! The amount of work that went into the model (not just the SW parts, but the research and fact checking...) just immediately hits you in the face, like only a locomotive can. ;D



Quotejust immediately hits you in the face, like only a locomotive can.

"Never seek the light at the end of the tunnel!"



Bill, thanks man, that read was almost as interesting as the renders  ;D  I had no idea .. feels like I've watched an entire show on Discovery  :)
We've come a long way with our tools and our "throw away quality".



QuoteI love your last image
Antoine, if you're referring to the blurred image, that was by Marco.  I think it's neat!
Bill G