Realtime View and render not in synch with backplate

Started by jeffw, November 11, 2013, 11:07:43 AM

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The manual says "Enabling adjust aspect ratio to backplate in preferences will cause the realtime view to snap to the same width to height ratio of any backplate that is loaded." I have this feature checked in preferences and I have the environment set to a back plate of 2044 x 1200. The realtime view show black bands on both sides as does the render which is 2043 x 1107. Am I missing something?

Chad Holton

Hi Jeff,

I'm testing this out and seems to work okay on my end. I assume you're using 4.2? If so, as soon as you DND a new backplate in, under Project>Settings does it show the correct aspect ratio? If you want it the actual size (2044x1200), then just type that in and lock both aspect and resolution. If you don't lock these and move the realtime window around, Windows will to try to snap it/resize it and you'll end up with an odd aspect ratio like you're seeing. Let me know what you find out.




I tried what you said, selecting the 1:1 preset and it expanded my scene to fill the window horizontally but put a big black band on the top. Maybe I could send it to you to check out. I have had this work with other files so it seems something wonky with this one.

Chad Holton

Hi Jeff,

What I meant by 1:1 is your realtime resolution matching your backplate resolution and not a different ratio. Sorry about the confusion, I changed my thread above. When you have a moment, try it again - If it's still giving you a hassle, send the backplate to and we'll go from there.




Yes I am on 4.2.

I reloaded the backplate and made the realtime view size to match the backplate. This took away the black bands but the veiw window no longer respects my monitor size in full screen mode in that the view window spills over to the second monitor and there is no tool bar.

I will send you the file.


Chad Holton

That sounds correct. If the backplate size is larger than your screen size, then it will spill over and be off the screen like you're seeing. Now, uncheck "lock resolution" and make the the resolution size about half of the backplate size (so, around 1022x600 or whatever size will fit on your screen - it has to be a percentage of your backplate resolution size for there not to be black bars).


It makes sense what you are saying but my tests do not bare this out. 

My monitor resolution is 1680 x 1050 (1.6:1 ratio) so I made a backplate of that size with a ten pixel border inside, loaded it without adjusting the realtime window settings (nothing checked). This background fills the screen but the border is only visible on the bottom and sides of the view window and in full screen mode the tool bar does appears at the bottom. Setting the realtime window to match the backplate still did not allow the full border to be visible.

I then took one of the keyshot backplates which are 1920 X 1080 (1.8:1 ratio), put the same border inside and with no realtime view settings adjusted or checked it looks perfect, fills the screen with border visible all around and the toolbar showing below in full screen mode.

That lead me to believe that the realtime window will only snap to backplates of a certain ratio. To test this I changed my backplate to 1680 x 945 (the 1.8:1 ratio) and it works perfectly.

What I am getting at here is that what the manual says does not seem to be accurate in that it does not snap to any backplate. It seems to only snap to backplates of a certain proportion.

Chad Holton