Keyshot asking for floating license then restarting issue

Started by hsumner, November 12, 2013, 06:10:53 AM

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I have been using keyshot via a floating license with my company for a few months now on my lenovo pc. I have recently been updated to a macbook pro, and we installed keyshot onto it. When i start up keyshot, it asks for the floating license number, and I put in the number I have been using with the pc. It automatically says keyshot needs to be restarted, and the cycle continues.

Any help would be appreciated to get this working on the mac so I can continue working on some projects.


I'm having the same issue on a few mac's as well. I'm running OS X 10.8.5. Did you get this figured out?

Brandon Davis

Have you guys tried using the IP address of the server? Mac machines in some cases do not recognize Windows hostnames. When prompted for the server name you should enter port@IPaddress.



Even using the port@IPaddress, it is still continually restarting keyshot.

Brandon Davis

Are you able to gain access to the server and view the debug.log? This will give you details of any errors, and also the port numbers that lmgrd and LUXION are binding to. You should use the lmgrd TCP port when entering the server information in KeyShot.  Both of these port numbers should be allowed through the firewall(best to allow the programs themselves).

You should also make sure your OS X machine is able to communicate with the license server. You can use the ping utility in the by running the below command, make sure to pass the IP address of the server. If successful you will receive packets, if not a request timeout error will be shown.

If you are unsure how to parse the debug.log, you can attach to this thread and we'll take a look.

I hope this helps


i have the same problem with KS 4 FL and some questions:
My floating license and clients are all Macs.
1. Do i have to have "myserver.local" as servername in my license or only "myserver"?
2. What if there is no port number listed in my license?
3. Where can i read out the debug.log?

Best regards, PG


@1 you need myserver.local
@2 if no port number is entered, then FlexLM will pick one between 27001 and 27009. If you want to use a certain port, then simply add it to the license file after the server name
@3 Not sure what you mean. The log file is located in the FlexLM install directory if that's what you mean.


Dear Thomas, thanks a lot!
So i guess i will need a new license, since i don't have the .local in there...

So if i'll choose e.g. 27001 as the port, i have to put it into the license file and in front of @myserver.local?

Cheers and thanks again!


Only if you want FlexLM to always use this port. Otherwise it will pick any port that is available within the range.

Please send your license request to They will get you a new license file.


Hello p.etrus

Does your Keyshot now run fine ? Because I have the same problem, it ask me continiously the server name.
If it works fine, what did you do because I tried with ip, with server name, with port, with .local but for the moment without success.



Quote from: p.etrus on February 05, 2014, 05:22:33 AM
Dear Thomas, thanks a lot!
So i guess i will need a new license, since i don't have the .local in there...

So if i'll choose e.g. 27001 as the port, i have to put it into the license file and in front of @myserver.local?

Cheers and thanks again!