Render preview/progress not showing

Started by ChrisV, August 06, 2010, 12:57:46 PM

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Since upgrading to KeyShot 2, I'm not able to see the output while it's rendering.  I don't see the "spiraling squares" as in v1.9.  The window is black and all I can see the progress info at the top.  The rendering finishes and the file is saved without a problem, but it would be very helpful to be able to check it as it's going. 

The preview/live window works fine.  Resizing the render window doesn't help.

Running on Win7x64.



Does this happen at all resolutions? The rendering window still shows the spiraling squares, and you are the first one to report them as missing?

-- Henrik


Hi Henrik,

I have tried low and high resolutions and it's the same for all of them.  I uninstalled and then reinstalled, but again nothing.  Normally I use SpaceClaim to create the models, but the same thing happens when loading one of the KeyShot models.

Any thoughts on what might fix it?



Can you send a screenshot of what happens to then we can take a look at it?




Hi Henrik,

I have found a solution to the problem -- by disabling 'Enable Desktop Composition' under

Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Performance Information and Tools > Adjust Visual Effects

Switching from 32-bit to 16-bit display had the same effect.  It could be the transparency of the window borders in the Aero interface.

I'll send the screen shots. 
