material / texture pack ?

Started by antho2b, January 08, 2014, 07:32:37 AM

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Hi, I'am new on this forum and I was wondering if someone know where to buy material pack for keyshot.
I need a lot of architectural materials, like wall stone, grass or whatever and I can't find them on google...



Turbosquid has a good collection of textures, it's worth taking a look on their site. For example, here is a texture pack that has a lot of ground textures that might work well for architectural purposes:


Also CGTextures.  Free!  You would have to make your own bump maps.
Bill G


thanks guys, but I already know thoose website, I was more expecting something like we can easely find fro Vray some stuff like that :

Any Idea where I can't find this ?


On this note.... Is Luxion/keyshot ever going to host a materials sharing (or for purchase$$$) website? I would be more than willing to 'donate' a substantial amount of materials (custom made, but all seamlessly tilable). I can't help but think this would push keyshots popularity up significantly, especially for those who are drawn to keyshot for its speed (people who don't have the time or skills to make their own textures in Photoshop/crazy bump etc). I suppose there would also be a market for sharing/downloading hdri's (especially for those without the HDR editor in pro version). I know all this technically exists on the forum, but it's never taken off particularly, and it's in no way intuitive to use/search for materials. Obviously Luxion do well in pushing forwards the technology and adding new, exciting features, but I'm starting to feel like there is little support for the community to be able to share content, whereas the community in the forum (including keyshot staff) are clearly VERY helpful and willing to share tips and content - there just needs to be a 'cleaner' way of doing this.

Here I am moaning yet offering no solutions - maybe it's upto one of us (or me) to create this solution. But if it were an official Luxion thing it could be integrated into keyshot well (ie the ability to browse a materials store and download only what's required, all from within keyshot).

Thanks (to anyone who could be bothered to read this rambling)


Yes - it is coming in KeyShot 5.
