Difficult material Satinice_Evonick

Started by tddygtnt, January 12, 2014, 09:17:39 PM

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Hey guys,
I have been trying to render this material called satinice from evonick https://www.google.com/search?q=satinice+evonik&espv=210&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=NIDTUvfWBbHjsAS8wYHwCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1517&bih=713&dpr=0.9 , a white version.
I have tried every thing... It is very hard to render because it is sort of translucent but also blurs the light coming from behind.
Could you give some tips please. look at my attached pics... the top part of the bottle is suppose to be satinice.
As you can see from my renders, it looks nothing like satinice (white version)... How do I get light to blur when it travels in the substance.

Material pics




Thanks Guys!!!!!!


Hi tddygtnt,

Welcome to the forum!

I've had a look at the manufacturers website and the images on google, and created something that may help you get the look you're after (see attached .kmp)

To mimic the diffuse light transmission qualities of Statinice, I used the Advanced material with some surface roughness, specular and diffuse transmission and some roughness transmission.

In your render settings, be sure to enable Global Illumination, and possibly set the scene up with some backlight to help bring out the material.

To vary the colour of the material, change the Specular Transmission swatch under the advanced material drop down. if you keep saturation around 65 it matches quite well with the range of available colours shown in google image search.

