Network Queue Problem after 4.3.4 update

Started by Vlad, January 13, 2014, 06:43:41 AM

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Hi all, I have a Network Queue related problem... So long story short:

I have few Macs in the server and few HP Win7 workstations which I'm using as slaves. The master is also Win7.
Last week I updated all of them to the 4.3.4 and some problems occurred.

None of the machines connected straight forward.
On the Win7 slaves I entered the Master Hostname and it worked, but I had to enter it on each machine manually so it can connect. (Before the update all the machines auto detected the master).

I tried the same procedure on the Macs but there's no result. They connected and disconnected by themselves non-stop, so I decided to switch them off and let at least the Win7 slaves render normally.

Today I switched on few of the Macs but they cannot connect to the master at all...
I re-installed the service on one of the Macs just to give it a try but it's still the same.

I've attached parts of the master log file showing some of the slaves.

Does anyone had/have similar problem?  I really need to get the Mac slaves rendering again as they are the majority of the cores I have. All suggestions are welcome.



I think I know exactly what happened.

The installer did not overwrite some of the .exe's that were running.  Most likely those that were started from services & running in the background.

I don't have any Macs, but on your Windows machines, go to your installation folder.  Probably c:\program files\keyshot4 network rendering\

There you will probably see older dates on some of the .exe files - in particular the keyshot4_network_slave_tray.exe, and maybe others depending on what previous version were running when you updated.

You will to have to shut down all keyshot programs & services (use the Task Manager to make sure that nothing named KeyShot.. is running), then reinstall the 4.3.4 Network Rendering.

Let us know if this works.


Hi Ruckus, I just tried making a clean install, but there's no change.  :-\
Also before the install I deleted the all the folders in regedit related to the keyshot network rendering.


That's too bad.
The connect/disconnect thing sounded exactly like what happened when we upgraded from from 4.1 to 4.2

As for auto-detection of the Master, could that be because the Master is on a different sub-net?  I run two farms and I did not have specify any machine names (or addresses).  It is a happy coincidence for me that master-slave communication stays with a single sub-net by default.


They are on the same sub-net.
Also about this:

[II] --- Master ---
[II] Master:  true
[II] Auto detect:  true
[II] Queue Port:  4567
[II] Slave Port:  4568
[II] Use SSL:  false
[II] User System:  true
[II] Anonymous Users:  false
[II] Proxy Type:  1
[II] Proxy Host:  ""
[II] Proxy Port:  1
[II] Automatic updates:  true

Should the master and the slaves use the same port, or like this it's alright?


It looks like you have a correct configuration.  The Master & slave ports should NOT be the same, although the port that a Slave machine calls the Master Port, should be the same as what the Master machine calls it's Slave Port.   :o

I've attached the headers from my Master & Slave log files.  (this particular slave is running on the same machine as the Master)

Hmm... can't seem to get the browse button to work, so no attachments.
Let's try it this way:

Master Log:
[II] Mon Jan 6 10:51:22 2014
[II] Starting new KeyShot Render Master session, version "4.2.7 [October 10, 2013]"
[II] Valid license ( 205  days,  192  cores )
[II] --- Settings ---
[II] --- Common ---
[II] Language:  "english"
[II] Log Level:  4
[II] --- Master ---
[II] Master:  true
[II] Auto detect:  true
[II] Queue Port:  4567
[II] Slave Port:  4568
[II] Use SSL:  false
[II] User System:  true
[II] Anonymous Users:  true
[II] Proxy Type:  1
[II] Proxy Host:  ""
[II] Proxy Port:  1
[II] Automatic updates:  true
[II] ------------
[II] Creating database tables..
[II] Tables in DB: ("Users", "sqlite_sequence", "Version", "SlaveList", "SlaveSchedule", "ClusterList", "ClusterSlaves")
[II] JobManager::savePriorities()
[II] Multicasting on interface:  "{AE9A3013-1275-4F5C-B3B2-76F2AAF654F5}"
[II] Multicasting on interface:  "{846EE342-7039-11DE-9D20-806E6F6E6963}"
[II] Listening for queue connections on port  4567
[II] Listening for slave connections on port  4568
[II] Master:: New slave connected with id: 132683354995948 , cores: 2 , ip: "" , version: "4.2.7" , os: "Windows 7 64 bit"
[II] Master:: New slave connected with id: 132683354995964 , cores: 2 , ip: "" , version: "4.2.7" , os: "Windows 7 64 bit"

Slave Log:
[II] Mon Jan 13 12:30:51 2014
[II] Starting new KeyShot Render Slave session, version "4.2.7 [October 10, 2013]"
[II] --- Settings ---
[II] --- Common ---
[II] Language:  "english"
[II] Log Level:  4
[II] --- Slave ---
[II] Slave:  true
[II] Master IP:  ""
[II] Master Port:  4568
[II] Priority:  10
[II] Allowed Cores:  0
[II] Use Slave Tray:  true
[II] ------------
[II] Set cores:  22
[II] Listening for multicasts on  "" : 7654  from local IP  ""
[II] Listening for multicasts on  "" : 7654  from local IP  ""
[II] Multicast: connecting to "" : 4568
[II] Slave: Connected to master
[II] I'm allowed to use 22 cores