MacBook/KeyShot Gets Buggy the Longer I'm in KeyShot

Started by br3ttman, February 12, 2014, 09:48:02 AM

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Anyone else having this issue?  The longer I'm in a KeyShot session, the more buggy it behaves on my MacBook.   Here are a couple examples:

- When I first start my KeyShot session, I can drag and drop materials or textures from the library onto parts to change them, but later in the session it won't work.

- Early in a session when I go to adjust the position of a texture or label, I can use the both numeric entry and the sliders, but after a while I can no longer make a numeric change.  My MacBook gives me a "beep" like I'm trying to enter an invalid command.  Then as I continue through my KeyShot session, sometimes it'll let me make a numeric entry, and sometimes it won't.   I don't know if this is a KeyShot issue or if it's something happening Mac side because of exhausted processor resources.  However, it definitely wrecks my workflow and forces me to jump in and out of KeyShot in order to accomplish my scene set-ups

MacBook Pro Retina Set-up:
2.7GHz INtel Core i7, 16 GB DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 4000
Mavericks OS X 10.9.1


Hi, I'm seeing something like this too. I searched the internet and found it may have to do with the MacBook not switching to the faster video card or maybe some buffer/memory gets full.

Resetting the smc is apparently adviced for any video card related problems but I don't see any real improvement. For me it's random, somtimes Keyshot rolls, sometimes it's slow, almost unusable. I too would appreciate any advice.



Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks) does seem to have a few bugs including a previously reported issue with the file dialog. There are no issues on Mac OS 10.6 - 10.8. We will phase out support for 10.6 in KeyShot 5. It is too bad that the free upgrade to Mavericks is not a clear choice.


Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.  I was starting to think it was possibly related to my more complex scenes with different model import formats and lots of textures and labels, so I began rebuilding one scene to see if I could shake off the bugs, but just the other night they started happening again.

Being able to do all my 2D and 3D CAD and then rendering on my MacBook has become an extremely efficient tool for me.  Currently, I have 3 hang-ups I'm trying to figure out.  I'll take insight on any of these:
- The initial issue I describe above.
- Running out of memory from time to time and having to reboot my MacBook altogether.  Mavericks issue as well?
- Running Solidworks in Parallels - Graphics are really doggy.  I've found registry edit recommendations on line but haven't tried them yet.  ProE/Creo in Parallels by comparison runs great.

Thanks for the feedback!