Can someone explain

Started by EGON, February 24, 2014, 01:45:03 PM

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"If you are running KeyShot Pro, you can use the KeyShot HDR Editor which allows you to set a highlight by clicking onto the model." I can't get it to work.


start the editor...
Right click anywhere on the backdrop (not a model part)...
choose 'set highlight'...
now holding 'cmd' key click anywhere on the model you want a highlight...



also... make sure your HDR editor is checked and active inside the preferences/plugins panel


Thank you so much Ed. I was going nuts trying to figure it out.


no problem, was just fudging about with the HDR editor myself when i saw your post


This is not how it works now. You open the editor, go to pins and then click on "set highlight" or click on the "+" button with the arrow.