KeyShot Pro Queue - max. 50% CPU load

Started by DriesV, February 26, 2014, 10:10:51 AM

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Due to an inexplicable license rejection of KeyShot Network rendering (help Luxion!), I've reverted to using the Queue in KeyShot Pro.
However, I notice that for the same amount of cores (32) rendering through the Pro Queue takes twice as long as network rendering.

Take a look at attached image. KeyShot only loads 50% of my CPUs. If I do a non-Queue render CPU load is 100%.
My machine has two CPUs. In HWMonitor I can see clearly that only one CPU is fully stressed.

Basically my renders are taking two times longer than they should... Is tbis how the Queue works?



Hmm... I've just noticed core count in the render window is 16. However, in preferences KeyShot is set to use "all cores".



Hmm...Found a fix! :)
Copied the original scene and then ran the Queue from the copied scene. Now it's rendering with 32 cores. :o
