1953 Jaguar D Type Long Nose Variant Edit

Started by Sandy, May 30, 2014, 10:11:39 AM

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So do to some prodding I did a composited version of the Jaguar Render in Keyshot with a different HDR map and BG. Also added a clay render from Mental Ray with a wireframe overlay

Rendered in Keyshot using a the Old Bridge HDRI and a couple extra pins. modeled in Softimage, MODO 701 and Mesh Fusion, Textures in Photoshop, UV's in Headus UV Pro.


Absolutely STUNNING model of this important racer!  My friend owned the prototype, but sold it way back in the 1960's. I bet he wishes he had held on to it!  Beautiful render, as Old Bridge is a tough HDR to work with.  Good job!!!
Bill G
PS: do you give modo lessons?


Bill has said it all with the praises .... Excellent job



This is... awesome... how much time have you been working on it ??!! it's impressive how ALL the details were modelled and the scratches on the paint... everything is here! you're a genius


Dominic Fasino

Oh wow this is pretty sweet! I am loving all the worn materials and the little details like the radiator showing! If you don't mind me asking what did you do to get that amazing worn leather?


beautiful modelling!

Quotewhat did you do to get that amazing worn leather?
Im guessing that is just the procedural leather material? nicely done



Absolutely love it - and the tyres are stunningly well done.



Tires are great, but, my God, the wheels are amazing!  Spot on!
Bill G


Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the kind words - I'm happy you all appreciate the model. I did a small update to the interior render. The gauge bezels (Bodies) just weren't working for me and based on some feed back, I decided to put a little damage on the paint and dirty up the glass a little. I've tried to thank everyone directly - If I missed you please let me know but thanks to everyone again.

Quote from: Speedster on June 03, 2014, 04:32:36 PM
Tires are great, but, my God, the wheels are amazing!  Spot on!
Bill G

Glad you like the wheels - I feel the tires are still a bit off but the rims I'm pretty happy with. Must have been an amazing thing to be in the presence of the original prototype of the D Type. It truly is an icon of endurance racing. I'm not giving MODO lessons as I'm just learning the software myself. Making the switch now that Autodesk end of life'd Softimage :(

Quote from: EGON on June 03, 2014, 03:19:48 PM
Best rubber tires I've ever seen.

Glad you like the tires EGON - I may still do a little work on the shader but they work for now.

Quote from: jhiker on June 02, 2014, 06:33:21 AM
Absolutely love it - and the tyres are stunningly well done.

Thanks for the compliments Jhiker

Quote from: edwardo on June 02, 2014, 03:54:36 AM
beautiful modelling!

Quotewhat did you do to get that amazing worn leather?
Im guessing that is just the procedural leather material? nicely done


Quote from: Dominic Fasino on June 02, 2014, 03:40:26 AM
Oh wow this is pretty sweet! I am loving all the worn materials and the little details like the radiator showing! If you don't mind me asking what did you do to get that amazing worn leather?

Good eye Ed you are right. I used the procedural leather to get my basic shading dialed in. Dominic I used my own Leather texture (Diffuse, Spec and Bump) to get it looking like this. after applying the procedural leather.

Quote from: DriesV on May 31, 2014, 03:29:37 PM
Ouch. My jaw hurts now...


Hey Dries thanks so much - I hold your work in high regard so the compliment means a lot to me. Not to mention I followed your webinar tips closely in order to get the materials looking just right (I guess you could say you had a hand in creating these renderings.) PS saw that you looked at my profile on LinkedIn, I'll send you a PM so we can connect there.:)

Quote from: jissididi on May 31, 2014, 01:12:50 PM
This is... awesome... how much time have you been working on it ??!! it's impressive how ALL the details were modelled and the scratches on the paint... everything is here! you're a genius

Hey jissididi - I'm no genius just anal :) Hard to say how much time. I worked on it on and off an hour here and hour there in the evenings after my 2 year old daughter was in bed and on the weekends. Educated guess it would be a couple months of full time work.

Quote from: TpwUK on May 30, 2014, 02:04:23 PM
Bill has said it all with the praises .... Excellent job


TpwUK - Thanks for the compliment glad you like it.


Quote from: EGON on June 03, 2014, 03:19:48 PM
Best rubber tires I've ever seen.

I agree. Realistic, not brand new looking and not too black.