KeyShot 5 - FPS Improvement (?)

Started by br3ttman, May 31, 2014, 08:31:53 PM

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Just got KeyShot 5 installed this evening and running a few tests to explore new features and performance.  My first question is where's the up to 125% faster rendering?  I have a 2013 MacBook Pro Retina.  It renders the camera.bip at 52 fps in KeyShot 4, but only 49 fps in KeyShot 5.  Is there something I need to enable to realize the faster rendering speed?



The camera model has not improved (as you noticed). The main improvement comes with complex models.


using the v5 BETA i noticed some good speed increases with physical lights and dielectric materials. Also, i was able to bump the shadow quality upto 5 without any major slowdowns.

Perhaps its time for a new benchmark model/scene to compare FPS?


We may need a new benchmark scene that will show off the speed improvements between versions. Right now the benchmark scene is best suited to show off performance improvements when increasing the compute power in your machine.