Save window size and location

Started by Clausj, June 01, 2014, 05:40:02 AM

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I wonder if it's possible to remember the window size and configuration. Every time I start KS5 I have to manually rearrange everything, even with previously saved files.


It should be remembered. Is it remembering the files you saved? Perhaps it is a permission problem with the configuration files?


Things are going wrong here, if I disconnect my external monitor Keyshot 5 crashes at launch. I repaired permissions, trashed preferences. Any ideas?


I've noticed I have to resize the material window, the projects window, and switch KS5 back to full-screen each time I open it. I am working at a resolution of 2560 x 1600 if that helps to know that.


The default content location seems to have changed to:
     C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents\KeyShot 5

That may work in some versions of Windows (home versions), but I have serious doubts that it will most Windows Business or Enterprise editions.


Correction,  the default content folder location hasn't changed - it is still wherever you put it during installation.

The folder I mentioned above is being used for the cloud/sharing enhancements (I think) in KS5.  Maybe that is where the window size is also saved, because I am also having the window issue, plus many more folder/permission issues that are making KS 5 unusable in Windows 7 Enterprise edition.

Claus Jensen

Was KeyShot 5 installed by an admin using another account on your machine?
If that was the case then it is important to choose: "Install for anyone using this computer" during the setup.


It was installed remotely using admin.
The command line installer does not have that option - at least not that I am aware of.



Claus' tip is valid if you are installing by hand.

If you are using a silent installation, you will need to user the   /AllUses   paramter.
More information in this thread:,8183.0.html