KEYSHOT 5 PROBLEMS WITH 'AMD' CHIPS? cant assign materials

Started by tom123456789, June 02, 2014, 03:05:52 AM

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Hi All,

I've been having big problems with 2 of my machines running keyshot 4.1 and later.

Keyshot 4 did not open large files in keyshot 4 (black screen) searched the forums and did all the suggested option - didnt resolve the problems.
Keyshot 5 (trial) - imports parts ok but i cannot assign any materails.

I have tried the software on various other Pentium machines and it works perfectly, The two machines I have problems with are both running AMD Phenom cpu's

This is a huge problem now as i have already purched new RAM and graphics cards in an attempt to sort the issue (not to mention doing numerous reinstalls on windows etc)

I really want to purchase keyshot 5 - but if this is going to mean new motherboards and CPU's i just cant cover the cost!

Ive seem to have seen loads of AMD users on the forums that seem to be having the same problems, is this the case?


Is there a problem with keyshot and AMD cpu's?

Has anyone installed and keyshot 5 onto an AMD (PhenomII X6 1090T if possible) machine and had it working?

Does luxion do bug test on AMD machines?

Could really do with a resolve the is ASAP if anybody can help with information i would really appreciate it.



Bruno F

Hello Tom,

We run KeyShot 4 and KeyShot 5 on AMD machines without issues.  It sounds to me like your installation and computer configurations may be conflicting.  I would do a complete uninstall (make sure to delete all KeyShot folders from your computer or move them to your desktop).  Then I would re-install using the full installer found here:

Make sure that when you re-install:

a) You select "Install just for me", and
b) That you have read AND write permissions into the Documents/KeyShot 5 resources folder AND its subfolders

If the problem continues please contact us at

-Bruno F


Hi Bruno,

Thanks for the reply.

I have just uninstalled all previous versions of keyshot and deleted all folder. Ran a registery clean just to make sure everything is gone.

I have reinstalled keyshot from the link you suggested and made sure i have all the permissions needed.

I still have the exact same problems.

Any other ideas?

Kind regards



I am having same issue when I can get a simple part into 5 I can not drag and drop materials to the model. Running an AMD Phenom II


same issue over here, can import models, but not assign materials, move, rotate, hide......

when i assign materials, nothing happens.... but when i try to move the part it crashes and closes....


Hi William, i had a meeting with the keyshot support last night and they agree there might be a bug. There looking into it as we speak. I'll keep this post updated as i find out more. Its really odd that it only happens to amd far all the people are using the 6core phenom II.

Franco what cpu are you using?

I was playing last night, it seems you cant do anything a from the 'right click' menu that affects the model directly.

I also foimd that if you drag materials into the parts in the scene tree - hit save - close - reopen the material will appear! A pretty silly work around i know but may help if you stuck.

Also crashes pretty often so i think theres a bigget bug in there somewhere.

Anyone else getting the same?




I posted this some time back. I have been having this issue as soon as I upgraded to 4.2 I think,7121.msg34349.html#msg34349       

Thanks for the info good to know they are working on it.


So?  Any new on this? Tried everything nothing worked


We have fixed this issue with AMD chips. Contact if you want to try the latest build.


Hey guys,

This has been happening to me since I installed KS5 Beta... Could not drag and drop or copy and paste materials, couldn't hide or delete anything from the scene tree... thought  this behaviour was unique to my system, now I know it's not.

I'm pleased it is resolved now, although it's moot for me as I'm using an Intel rig now.



Installes the update..

Still has the same problems.



It's even worse than before for me... real time render window is just a black void when importing geometry or opening .BIPS

Clicking in the render window produces an 'AppCrashB1' error