Object Surface and Rounded Edges

Started by RichardG, June 06, 2014, 06:57:14 AM

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Please see the attached image. Whenever I try to round the edges of an object, I get this "crystal" effect on the finish. It doesn't seem to happen with STP files, just with the Solid Edge Assembly files. I suspect it has something to do with Solid Edge rather than Keyshot but if anyone's come across this effect in either, I'd appreciate any help you can give.



If you lower the size of the Rounded Edge does that clean up (at least partially)?



Yes, if I reduce the radius, the effect is reduced. I simply get less of it. Here is a picture of another part. From 0 radius in the top left through 0.0001, 0.001 and 0.01 bottom right.


The model you are showing in these new images looks very tessellated, I wonder if the mesh isn't fine enough on the imported model to get a nice clean result with the rounded edge??


Looking at these I would say it's the mesh density or lack of it in this case coming from solid edge. I don't know SE so I can't tell you where to look, but you need something like mesh density or angle settings, possibly even export tessellation settings. If SE exports a wire mesh, FBX OBJ LWO SKP etc then it should allow you to set certain parameters that will enable you to export your model in a way that is more suitable for KS
