Possible bug, object disappearing

Started by Clausj, June 10, 2014, 01:28:51 PM

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After setting up a scene with a material with texture mapping I decided to delete and reinstall Keyshot. When I opened the file again with the newly installed app all the objects that had the texture assigned had disappeared completely from the scene. It may not be an everyday event but maybe there is a bug somewhere that could present itself in more everyday situations...


Normally when I use KS and texture maps I save the project as a package .ksp. Ive had it before when Ive used a texture map which is located in one folder, then moving it or deleting it has caused problems in loading textures because of the way KS links the two, and If you deleted KS you might have deleted the cache


The best practice to ensure this does not happen is to save/import all textures to your KeyShot resources folder.


IMHO there should be a texture warning flag... something like, for example 'Keyshot could not locate Concrete_bump.jpg, please locate the file'

Or at least give some indication of the name of the files it cannot locate in the KeyShot\Textures folder...as sticking every single texture I use in there is not possible as it's just unnecessary duplication

Also suggesting, as Rex did to save KeyShot scenes as .KSP packages is, if I'm honest, faintly ridiculous as they can end up being massive in filesize as they include environments etc

I have quite a few scenes that I want to re-render but cannot as I simply don't have any idea what textures I used !!



Open up the log and it will show in red the textures that are missing and where they were originally located. You can check the box to "Show this window on critical errors" and it will warn you whenever a texture is missing.