Advanced materials_cloudy plastics

Started by lukemcgonnell, June 11, 2014, 05:21:04 AM

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Hi guys,

Hoping one of you will be able to help me with this one. I am a pretty regular user of keyshot but am having difficulty getting the desired result when using the advanced material setting. I have played with all of the settings in realtime and render output tabs and still have no luck.

I am looking to create a cloudy plastic but with a shiney surface. I know the advanced material setting should work for this. glass/solid glass/dielectric materials aren't an option for me as they have too much refraction and look to glassy (surprisingly!).

I have attached 2 images to show the result I keep on getting: plastic appearance 1, plastic appearance 2 (apologies for the resolution).

I have also attached screenshots of all my settings tabs for reference.

Any help would be much appreciated, look forward to hearing any feedback.


Are you on KeyShot 5? There are cloudy plastics in the KeyShot Cloud.


Not yet on keyshot 5, running version 4.3 atm. Will be upgrading soon. Will I need KS5 to use these materials?



I believe there are some posts on the forum that have cloudy plastic materials attached. Also, the KeyShot library provides some. And of course there is our quick tip: