KS 5 looses materials when network rendering

Started by tex010101, June 20, 2014, 07:13:13 AM

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I am having a problem with KS 5 loosing the texture maps I apply to custom materials when I network render. But it's not with every material. Some work and some don't. I treat every material exactly the same. Everything is fine when I render locally, and everything worked fine in KS 4. I have tried putting the maps locally on the master computer. I have tried putting the maps on server drive. I have tried saving the materials to the library and then reassigning. None of these things are working consistently. Anybody having this problem? Anybody have any suggestions?


I am also having this problem in loosing texture maps when sending to the network render.  I am also having issues with decals getting removed or moved from original placement.  With both, it renders absolutely fine when rendering locally, these issues occur only over the network.  I have contacted Luxion support desk and will update if there is a fix.