Environment Changing When I Click on Tab

Started by Robb63, June 27, 2014, 03:39:00 AM

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I have a viewset saved that has ground shadows activated. I need a render of the scene without the shadows, so I click on the environment tab to uncheck the "Ground shadows" box. When I click on the environment tab though the lighting for the entire scene changes (gets darker) and a heavy reflection appears across the parts (so I assume that means the environment is rotating). It only does it with one of my viewsets. So I switched to that viewset then made a new viewset of the same setup. It does the same thing when I click on the environment tab.


I posted this in the bug/problem forum since that seemed more appropriate.

I think the culprit Might be related to creating custom environments. Is that one environment one that you had edited the environment and saved off as an HDZ file?

Also, for files that this happens, you can not render with the queue. So be forewarned about that. I lost an entire night of rendering because of this bug and I'm still not very pleased that no one has made mention of the issue. But perhaps they as so busy hustling to fix the problem that those involved don't have time to respond.

Notice also that your environment is still Listed as correct? Assuming you saved it, you can still get it back simply by opening it again. I think it keeps all the settings correct, it just displays the default environment instead. once you load the correct one I think things are correct.


I think you're right. I just opened the file I was having issues with and the Keyshot Log window opened up (which it hadn't done before) with this message...

"(10:00:46) Could not open  "./KeyShot 3/keyshot3.xml"  for writing.
(10:00:53) Cannot open environment image "hdri_internal7.hdr"

(10:00:53) Using environment "startup.hdr" instead


hmmm, you'd think that would be the type of message that would give you some sort of pop-up warning.


I'm getting the Popup log window every time I first open that file, and also when I switch the camera now. This weekend I wasn't getting the log popping up, weird?