Anyone up for speed rendering contests?

Started by Esben Oxholm, October 03, 2014, 10:27:26 AM

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Esben Oxholm

Back in the days I did a lot of modeling in 3dsmax and hung out at a danish forum called (doesn't exist anymore though).
At the forum we did some weekly contests called speed modeling, where you based on a given theme, should do the best model you could in maximum three hours. I remember that it was a really great learning to push yourself and learn what you could achieve within the time limit. It was also pretty cool and a valuable lesson to see what the more skilled guys could do in three hours.

I've been thinking lately, that it would be very nice to have something similar here on this forum. Just speed rendering instead of speed modeling.
If I get positive feedback from you guys, that you are interested in participating, I'll kick off the first one.

Before starting, though, I've tried to write a set of rules. I really want you to comment on it and come with suggestions if you think something should be changed, or maybe you have some additional ideas. Let me know.

The draft of the rules looks like this:
1. Download the applied CAD-model, import it to KeyShot and show of your best skills.

2. You have 2 hours to complete the render, including final render time and post processing.

3. Play fair. We trust that you don't use more than 2 hours total.

5. You can make as many renderings as you like, as long as you're selective an show the absolute best you can do.

6. The picture has to be uploaded to the thread before the end of the deadline. (Typically a week.)

7. Together with your render you should state:
          a) Time used.
          b) The software that you've used besides KeyShot (eg. Photoshop).

8. The purpose of theese speed rendering contest is to push your own limits and learn from others. If you like, it's much appreciated if you upload a packedge file of your scene. In that way, others can learn from your techniques.

9. Maximum resolution: 1280x1024 horizontally or vertically. Using less or another format is no problem.

10. When time is up, a poll is created and it's possible for all members of the forum to vote on their favorite. The poll is open for a week.

11. The winner has to pick the CAD-model for next speed rendering contest. Find one that is free of charge on websites like You can use a model of your own a well.

12. Happy rendering! :)

Okay, so let me know if you could be interested in this, and don't hesitate to comment if you have any questions or suggestions.
Have a nice weekend!

Best regards,
Esben Oxholm


Interesting Idea - I'm game, rules seem fine to me :)



Sounds good to me, I'd have a stab, time permitting...



I am in. This is interesting for newbie like me.
At least I can learn some new techniques from professionals' out there by comparing our renders side by side.



I'd probably do it if there were some sort of incentive.


Quote from: andy.engelkemier on October 07, 2014, 03:47:28 AM
I'd probably do it if there were some sort of incentive.

Do you not do anything for fun Andy ? ;)


Listen to the gasps of frustration when people around here are trying to do things in Keyshot. It's not what I would call "fun to use."
It's better than Bunkspeed, but some things are still very not intuitive and sometimes things just decide to work once, and not work a second time....which Kind of makes you feel like you are going crazy. Doing the same task over and over again expecting different results Typically would define you as crazy.....unless you're using keyshot or bunkspeed. (just a joke, don't freak out, but I'm sure we've all been there unless all you do is drag and drop)

Esben Oxholm

Despite the gasps of frustration, I think a speed rendering contest could be fun anyway.
It sounds like some of you are up for it. Good.

I'll find a model for the first contest and plan on kicking it off Sunday evening (danish time). Deadline will then be a week later, next Sunday.

I'm already looking forward to see the different results :)


I'll have a go...time permitting.

With regards to the 'fun' element... what is 'fun'? I'm not sure I find anything I do with a computer fun (besides watching porn and youtube clips of monkeys on tiny bicycles etc). In fact, as i get older and grumpier and more cynical I look to replace 'fun' things with 'rewarding' things - and keyshot can certainly be rewarding (creatively speaking), as can any creative pursuit. All my life I'v been a maker of things and my dad was a photographer who helped me photograph stuff. Now I get to do it all digitally from a laptop - make models with nurbs or digital clay then 'photograph' it with keyshot. For me thats rewarding, maybe even fun. Its probably as fun as a lot of computer games get (champ manager springs to mind), but at the end of a keyshot session you have produced something tangible: an image or animation you can show people, rather than telling your wife that you've won the 'european cup' (as she packs her bags and leaves you). And as far as glitches go... yes, keyshot has had a few come and go. But to be honest, my girlfriend is riddled with glitches, and often behaves erratically and understanding how to get the best out of her isn't always intuitive... but I still love her!


So it's sunday evening in Michigan. I'm pretty sure that means it's a Danish morning. (mmmmm...danish)
I'll look again soon.

Don't forget to make sure we can get a step or iges file of whatever you choose. Not everyone has easy access to proe, solid works, or whatever else those guys are using. I've noticed most of the things on grabcad are from engineers, so probably aren't using Rhino.

Esben Oxholm

Esben Oxholm

I just realized that in order to have these contests running every week, we need two more models here in the beginning. One for next week, while the poll is running, and one for the following week, in order to give the winner a weeks deadline to find a suitable model.

If any of you have a great model, you think could be cool to use, please post. Then we'll use it. First come, first served.

If no one post something, I'll find something again. There's your initiative :)

Best regards,