rendering alpha channel with glass-like material

Started by sketchbookinc, October 29, 2014, 08:20:51 AM

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I have literally searched all over for a solution to this and I can't find anything. Sorry if this has been asked a million times!

I am trying to render out a product shot and the product has some translucent plastic areas on it. I have found that rendering 32 bit tif with alpha checked doesn't work with the translucent plastic. Which is a total bummer.

It also doesn't work with solid glass. Only works with "glass" which doesn't allow me to make a frosted type of material.

So yeah, these are nagging problems.

Also - the problem of KS not exporting an alpha channel of the object. I can render out a clown pass, but that's not the same at all. There is not alpha channel in the channel pallet in Photoshop.

Any help would be much appreciated.



To do masks, I usually create my own clown passes in black and white of the parts I want masked. I then take that black and white image, change the image to gray scale, then go to that images channels tab and duplicate the channel into the original image's channels. Now i have a channel to make selections in the master image.


i will need to look into a black/white clown pass. Sounds helpful.