KS 4.3 - drawing ripped apart SOLVED

Started by Helix, November 04, 2014, 01:07:48 AM

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KeyShot 4.3 pro - running on Win 7 64 bit - was working fine for a couple of weeks.
Since last week it rips apart all my drawings, even if i open older .bip datas.

I've reinstalled it several times -no change. Have you guys any ideas?

Screenshot below. Thanks!

This is how it looks like in HiCAD (Output is a .step data) - P1
After import a drawing the screen turns black -P2
When i change to the front view, it appears. But it's completely deformed und always black coloured - P3


What file format are you trying to import?


Usually .step data's. The weird thing is that it don't work just on this workstation. At all other PCs it works well.


Not sure what to tell you. Can you share an example so we can take a look?


I've installed KeyShot 5.1 now and it works fine.
No idea what the problem with 4.3 was, we worked the hole Weekend on it...