Status NURBS data import - KS 5.1

Started by hpvd, November 30, 2014, 09:01:11 AM

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I'm very interested in the status of NURBs import in KS 5.1

Could find no good documentation which filetypes are exactly supported.

Found only on youtube some information about it:

NURBS data import currently available for all geometry formats, including
- Creo,
- Inventor,
- NX,
- Rhino,
- SolidWorks,
- Solid Edge,
- Parasolid and

=> is there an "official" documentation on this topic?

=> is it working for all of these mentioned file typs and e.g. older versions of the mentioned CAD-Systems?

=> are there changes in KS 5.1?
-  is the round edges feature working with NURBs?
-  are there any plans to support spaceclaim-files?

Many thanks for all pieces of information!!!


As long as KeyShot imports the file type, then it also imports NURBS.

Rounded edges are NOT working with NURBS at this point in time.

You can always import SpaceClaim files directly through SpaceClaim and the plugin they provide.


many thanks for clarifying this!

Could you share some additional information about render-times of with NURBs imported models in 5.1 in comarison to non nurbs?


It doesn't matter whether you have NURBS in the scene or not. What matters is the mode you are in: Polygon on or Nurbs Mode.

When rendering in NURBS mode you may experience a slow down of up to an order of magnitude. We continue to look into it to try and make is faster.

However, rendering NURBS gives you the ultimate edge quality. No more jagged edges no matter how close you are to the object.