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Kenwood Renders

Started by CAClark, December 16, 2014, 12:30:11 AM

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I recently did some renders for Kenwood, to be used on the packaging for their KMix Kitchen appliances.

You can see the others here:



Nice work again Mr. Clark :)



I sure could use the yellow one  ;D

I was gonna get the old one from grandma .. but my anty got away with it :p

Will Gibbons

Very clean! Do you work for that company, or do you offer rendering as a freelancer?

Magnus Skogsfjord

Chad Holton

Esben Oxholm

Good work.
What a nice customer to work for. How did you land the job? :)


Quote from: Esben Oxholm on December 16, 2014, 09:33:10 AM
Good work.
What a nice customer to work for. How did you land the job? :)

good question, as a rookie hobbyist with no real experience at all, how does one land a job like that and whats the pay? would be interesting to know from experts.


WOW ! Excellent work Clark. Looks like the got the right guy for the job.
Thanks for sharing !
They are all keepers


These are really good. Would love to see the actual box finished. I have a Kenwood turntable.


Thanks guys!

I don't work for Kenwood no, I actually work for a company called Propshop, this was a freelance gig. like most of the freelance I do, people find me via my website ( ). I model, texture, and render on a freelance basis as long as working out of hours works for the client :)



Quote from: CAClark on December 18, 2014, 12:25:26 AM
Thanks guys!

I don't work for Kenwood no, I actually work for a company called Propshop, this was a freelance gig. like most of the freelance I do, people find me via my website ( ). I model, texture, and render on a freelance basis as long as working out of hours works for the client :)


thats nice that people contact you, i see more and more that i need alot of experience and hard work before someone calls me. well i did recently get a call from in cupertino as a 3D sculptor, and i think i would have gotten the job because they sounded interested, but since i didnt have a degree and not enough experience i couldnt get a visa wich sucks. but i was lucky that they called me tho because a friend who works there recommended me. sucks when the system puts walls :/