
Started by LM6, June 23, 2020, 02:10:09 AM

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DriesV, I got different problem, in my other post, denoiser cannot apply on volumeric fog (scattering medium fog) when camera is inside object with fog + some area lights

Post and files:


Hi Radace,

That is essentially the same issue, just presented differently. :)
Your scene did reveal another issue though. It appears Scattering Medium has different transparency (under the hood) for CPU and GPU when the camera is inside the medium. This has been filed as a bug.



Thank you for answer, im working on animation with city and camera going through fog (with light and other fx's) problem is huge :(

any info when this bug can be fixed?


This issue won't likely be fixed before the release of KeyShot 10.

As a workaround, you can use external command line denoiser tools to denoise the output images from KeyShot.
Declan Russell has been kind enough to make Windows builds of both the Intel Open Image and NVIDIA OptiX denoisers.

Intel Open Image Denoiser
Instructions for use (GitHub)

NVIDIA OptiX Denoiser
Instructions for use (GitHub)

The Intel denoiser runs on CPU, while the OptiX denoiser requires an NVIDIA GPU (Driver version 436.02 or newer, GPU of Maxwell architecture or newer).

Both overviews on GitHub contain an example for a batch script. So it should work for animation frame sequences as well.
I hope this helps.



Is some tutorial how to use it with keyshot? Im pretty newby in this? :O


The Intel and OptiX denoisers are operated very similarly via command line.

The simplest tutorial would be:

  • Download and unzip the denoiser
  • Open Command Prompt
  • Enter this line: "C:\Wherever\You\Unzipped\The\Denoiser\Denoiser.exe" -i "C:\Wherever\You\Save\Renderings\NoisyImage.png" -o "C:\Wherever\You\Want\To\Save\DenoisedImage.png"
  • Press return to execute

You can further experiment with the other arguments (e.g. feed diffuse and normal passes) to see if you get better results that way.



The tools seem to work pretty well.
Here is a noisy input image, and the denoised result from both the Intel and OptiX denoiser.



WOW thank you it works, but how to make it to denoise multiple files at once?


Quote from: Radace on June 30, 2020, 07:24:46 AM
WOW thank you it works, but how to make it to denoise multiple files at once?

You can use the 'Simple sequence batch script' for that.
See here.
