
Started by LM6, June 23, 2020, 02:10:09 AM

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Not sure if iam doing something wrong but in GPU mode Denoise is not being applied to the render.
Ive attached 2 renders so you can what i mean, one is a view port screen grab and the other from a render.

Using 4 x 2080 ti
Iam taking the screen grab after about 1 min which is about 6000 samples so that's what i set the render to.


Hi Peter,

That seems strange.
What version of KeyShot are you running?
Note that the offline rendering is using a CPU denoiser (Intel Open Image Denoise), so it should work regardless of GPU Mode.



Hello Dries..

Iam using 9.3.14
Nvidia 442.92



Any chance you can share the scene?



Not that one , i will try and re create with simple scene


Here is a test scene will similar lighting, seems to be the ground illumination  that's causing the problem.


Hi. I gave it a try.
abstract.060 60 sec screen shot
abstract.1436 14:36 cpu rendering
3700X with 32 GB
5500XT 8GDDR6


Hi Joseph

If i use CPU as you have, the 2 images look very similar as yours do but:

Screen grab: It takes 60 seconds to get to around 900 samples in the view port
Render: 900 samples takes about 46 seconds (was yours really 14 seconds)

My CPU: 2990 WX

What samples are you getting on your renders?

On this scene iam not noticing any difference between Denoise and no Denoise on the renders


It is 405 samples on  60 sec. and 6000 samples on the render on file 14 mins 36 sec.
I have attached the current benchmark product by Magnus Skogsfjord
So Denoise works with AMD 5500XT gpu and cycles with idle for five seconds and denoise 1 second. The Denoise slider is maxed at 1, and can't type more than that.


I geto same problem even made topic about that with simple file...
denoise not working when I put camera into scattering medium object, when camera is outside denoise is working on gpu

@Josept stop it, we talking about GPU mode on nvidia cards, ur post are useless....

Someone can tell me how to fix that denoise???


@Dries did you get a chance to check out the scene I posted?




Hi Peter,

Yes, I did check it out this morning. Thank you for sharing.

As I mentioned earlier, the offline rendering is using a CPU denoiser (Intel Open Image Denoise) for both CPU and GPU rendering, while the Real-time View with GPU Mode is using the NVIDIA OptiX Denoiser.
It turns out that, for some reason, the Intel denoiser doesn't do a good job of removing this particular noise. We are a bit surprised by this as well, as it seems like an ideal scenario for any denoiser.



Hi Dries..

Thanks for the info, that explains it perfectly.



And how to fix it?


Quote from: Radace on June 29, 2020, 10:38:47 AM
And how to fix it?

The issue occurs in areas of the image that internally are transparent (alpha of 0). This includes: ground shadows, ground illumination and DOF against the environment background.
A solution is to put some geometry below or a around your object as a background.
We are looking into making the Intel denoiser not take alpha into account. No ETA on a fix yet.
