comparison photo vs. render

Started by schneich, December 30, 2012, 08:05:07 AM

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i tried to make the same setup as the photo on the right.
with just the hdr editor i found it difficult to create the
the black cards on the sides because even if you use a negative
light you cant block a positive light next to it, i would be nice to be able
to import png files in layers. i modeled the black cards instead.
what freaks me out most is that i cant seem to find a glass setting that
fades the color in the thinner walls of the glass AND doesnt create this weird colord base...
maybe my settings are all wrong does someone have a clue ??



p.s. the link to the lighting setup:


Make sure you are using solid glass (not just the thin glass). To match the photograph the lighting has to be precise as does the modeling. I think the glasses are thinner near the middle compared to the top and bottom.


material IS solid glass, always when coloring that solid glass i get this weird heavy colored base....




The color of the glass is determined by the thickness of the glass. If the base of the glass is too dark compared to a reference photo that means that somehow the glass is too thick.