3 rendering questions?

Started by hugo, September 26, 2015, 06:37:05 PM

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I'm attempting to render a 8000 x 8000 resolution 300 DPI image.

1. Can KS help me predetermine the approximate time this rendering will take on my computer system?

2. After 1 hr. 10% has been rendered. Would I be correct to interpolate that in ~10 hrs the rendering will be completed?

3. I have a black (0,0,0) background image which, I estimate occupies about 40% of the canvas, while the remaining 60% is actual geometry which requires rendering. Is KS smart enough to not render over and over again pixels that are part of the black background?


Chad Holton

1. Not at this time with advanced rendering option. Max time can, though.  ;D

2. Not necessarily. As you mentioned in Q3, the background will render extremely fast (if there are no shadows and such to calculate). So, based on your example, I would guess it would take a hair over 6 hours to render.

3. See above.

Edit: I tested this and it doesn't work out (calculating time from scale). Not sure just yet how to calculate this based on a smaller rendering.