multiple UV maps?

Started by andy.engelkemier, June 10, 2014, 07:21:01 AM

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Is it just me, or can you not have a different UV map for different maps?

You might want that for something like a color map of some sort over the entire surface, but a repeating bump texture as well. I can change the settings of the map, but it looks like they all have to use the same type. I might want box map for one, UVs for another, and cylindrical for a different one. Ok, that's unlikely, but It's likely enough I'd want a box map and a planar map.


Uncheck sync and you can use different mappings.


Ah, you're right. I wasn't paying enough attention. Certain maps automatically Recheck "sync" even if you've previously turned them off. So maybe a slight oversight? I didn't notice it because I couldn't see the checkbox until I scrolled back down.