Rifle metal material

Started by patobek, December 11, 2014, 10:49:35 AM

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Hello guys :)
Pretty new here :)
My question is if there is any material or any way to make a material which looks similar to rifle metal without having to texture the actual rifle?
This is a model I finished these days and rendered with KS and I want to apply a more realistic looking material to it if possible :)


Hi Patobek,

Can you show us an example of the texture you're trying to achieve?
I don't have a rifle handy ;)





Here's my quick attempt at that kind of material. I made quick part in NX to recreate similar geometry.

Starting with a metal material, I added a procedural bump texture, then adjusted the scale and bump height to get the textured effect.
Next, I used the procedural color curvature to get a slightly different material color on the rounded edges (which were added in NX) giving a bit more depth to the material color.
Lastly I added a little roughness under the base material properties to help scatter the reflections a bit more, and used a standard environment to light it.

How does this work for you? KSP attached.


Well I think its look better but its still rendering :)
We will se :)
Thanks for the mat.