Webinar Mastering Transparent Materials in KeyShot

Started by Finema, June 12, 2015, 11:50:24 PM

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I've seen this webinar : Mastering Transparent Materials in KeyShot.
But it's not clear for me about the glass with liquid inside.
I understand the liquid surface must touch the glass surface but must it be bigger or just touch ? and the above liquid also ?
Could you post it here the .obj of the glass with the 3 surfaces ? or a slide shema ?
Thanks a lot.



thanks TpwUK but in your .bip file you have only 2 surfaces (glass + liquid), not 3...


There are two ways to render liquid in a glass...

1. The liquid top is used to slice the glass inside surface. Then those trimmed surfaces are joined to create the liquid
2. The liquid and the glass are modelled as solids. Doing things this way means you have to shrink the liquid part by a very small amount or you will see where the glass and liquid surfaces touch.

Both methods are therefore imprecise when it comes to reality, as far as i am aware the first method (which i use) gives the more accurate result visually and is the easier method.

Which part of this exercise are you more interested in, the rendering or the modelling aspect ?



i'm interested by the modeling aspect in the way 1 with 3 surfaces as in the webinar...
because at this moment, i use way 2 and the top of liquid is not realistic
thanks again




Okay, gimme a few moments and i will model one for you - 3DM or STEP ?




Glass is a solid, but i have left the parts of the liquid as surfaces so you can see what was done, you can join them back together again to form a solid liquid when you are ready.



Thanks Martin,
But i would like only 2 surfaces and a solid (glass). I want to reproduce exactly the webinar, and i don't know i must enlarge the liquid parts.


You should be able to join the liquid parts as you want/need them ... Let me see if i can find the webinar you are following and i will look at how the modelling is done :)



the webinar is here : https://www.keyshot.com/learning/webinars/

Mastering Transparent Materials in KeyShot > begin 34 minutes

thanks again


Ok you need to join the Green and the Cyan surfaces to make the liquids top surface :)

Then you will have Glass, Liquid Side and Bottom surfaces and the Liquid top only surface



if i use your model i have that > (see the screenshot)