KeyShot 2017 Render Competition Guidelines

Started by Josh3D, September 26, 2017, 10:27:24 AM

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The KeyShot 2017 Material Render Competition Overview
Cloudy Plastic? Anodized Metal? Candy Coats that make your mouth water? KeyShot 7 is filled with new materials and we want to see you make them scatter, sizzle and sparkle. This month, we kick off the latest KeyShot render competition!

This is your opportunity to create an amazing KeyShot scene using the all-new materials in KeyShot 7. What are these exciting, new materials worthy of having their own contest?

          Cloudy Plastic contains light-scattering particles to replicate complex materials such as Polycarbonate or ABS.

          Metal has 13 new metal presets along with the ability to load Complex IOR files and add an anodized appearance.

          Metallic Paint has settings for Clear-coat Color, which allows you to create deep rich candy coats and adjust clear-coat thickness.

          Toon has control of shadow color and texture and ability to control the visibility of shadows produced by Light Source Materials.

See more about what's new in KeyShot 7. Here are a few images to show you the possibilities:

Images: Vette - Tim Feher; Rings - John Seymour; Syringe - Martin Spencer Ford, Toycar - Dries Vervoort

The top 3 finalists will receive KeyShot prizes. Entries will be judged based on innovation, creativity, and execution. Here are all the details.

Entry Requirements: IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ!
- Create an amazing KeyShot scene featuring a new KeyShot 7 material
- Rendering and/or animation must be done in KeyShot 7
- Specify the new KeyShot 7 material used
- Submit your entry on the '2017 KeyShot Render Competition' forum board
- Multiple entries are acceptable
- Post edits are acceptable
- The competition is open to everyone
- Team entries are welcome - prize will be transferred to team leader

Render Output Specification:
Resolution: 16:9 Ratio (at or above 1920x1080)
Filetype: .jpg, .png, .mp4, .avi

To Request a KeyShot License:
1. Download KeyShot
2. Install and launch KeyShot

  • In the registration dialogue, select 'Activate your license' and 'Next'
  • Fill in your information and click 'Next'
  • Enter serial code: LUXI-ONKE-YSHO-T199-3URG
  • Select "Save request file"
  • Send the file to with "KeyShot 2017 Render Competition" in the subject line. You will receive a license for use in the contest.

Additional Notes:
With your submission, it's nice to know what work went into your rendering or animation! Tell us what modeling software or other tools are used. Or provide credit to where you downloaded the model or who created it. If post editing is done, show a before and after. It's always interesting to see!

Luxion retains the right to use any image or animation submitted for purposes of promotion and marketing. All rights to the image belong to the person creating the image and attribution will be given when an image is used. Additional requests for use of render or animation files may be requested of the user via email.

Judging Criteria:
The entries will be judged on three criteria:
Innovation - How is it being used? What is the application?
Creativity - What is the content? What materials/lighting?
Execution - How was KeyShot used? How is the experience?

3x Grand Prizes  - KeyShot Pro (total value $1,995)
3x 1st Place Prizes - KeyShot HD (total value $995)
Honorable mentions (up to 10) - KeyShot Prize Pack (t-shirts, mug, etc.)

Sunday, October 22, 2017 (11:59 PST)

The winner will be announced Monday, October 30th, 2017 on the KeyShot website, forum and social media sites.


Hello, if i have no keyshot 7 yet, can i submit a render anyway for this competition?


Since this is to feature KeyShot 7 materials, I would suggest requested a demo license. You can do so by contacting and with "KeyShot 2017 Render Competition" in the subject line.


 ::) I might have stayed up all night thinking of ideas for this contest. Should be a fun couple of weeks!


I'm SO looking forward to it. Should be fun indeed!

Esben Oxholm

Pouya Hosseinzadeh

Hello josh,

I have a question!
Can I also participate in this competition?

Mohammed MOUYH


Since this is to feature KeyShot 7 materials, we request that KeyShot 7 be used. I would suggest requesting a demo license. Please see how to do that above. Thanks.



is resolution preset portrait(1080x1920+) okay to use?

leo de brito

Hello there! Can I use a model downloaded from internet or I'm supposed to model it? There are so many great models out there which I would love to render. :)


Yes, 1080x1920 is fine, although, I would include a 1920x1080 as well (just because it works better for video and sharing online).

Yes, you can use a downloaded model. Just be sure to tell where you downloaded it and/or who created it.

Thank you!

Masoud Zangi

Dear Josh , I already submitted a render of my designed grenade into "Amazing shots" some days before the competition. Is it possible to resubmit that for the competition?Thanks.
If negative , Is it possible to re-render same grenade model with different material and lighting and scene for the competition?


Hi Masoud, that's fine, just make sure it features one of the new KeyShot 7 materials. You can see a few of them up in the overview section. Thanks!