Importing Luxology Modo model

Started by CC88, May 31, 2018, 01:10:11 AM

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Hi there.
I'm a Modo user but I'm looking for a more rapid and simple rendering software. Keyshot seems to be more user friendly than modo rendering where I have to setup an infinite numbers of parameters.

My question:
- do I have to UV my model?
- what's the best practice for material assignment? Create different parts layer in modo or assign materials to each parts?
- do Rounded Edge corner on material setting is recognized by KeyShot?



Answers to your questions:

  • Only if you want to use UV mapped textures. KeyShot provides other types of texture mapping (Planar, Box, Cylinder...) in case you don't want to UV unwrap your models.
  • This will probably depend on your workflow and the type of work you do. We support either way. With MODO, you will have to use an intermediate format like FBX (recommended) to get your models into KeyShot. 'Part' tags created in the Shader Tree in MODO can be exported and should be respected when importing in KeyShot.
  • No, material settings that are specific to MODO will not transfer to KeyShot. You will only be able to get the diffuse color or texture. That being said, KeyShot has its own Rounded Edges implementation.

I hope that helps.



Thank you very much. Really appreciate I don't have to UV'ing as I don't like the process :)

So if I understand correctly I can import a cube not smoothed and than use KS rounded edge to smooth it's angle? Right?



Quote from: CC88 on May 31, 2018, 01:34:01 AM
So if I understand correctly I can import a cube not smoothed and than use KS rounded edge to smooth it's angle? Right?

Yes. :)


Seth Richardson

Something to be weary of with this is that if you import CAD into modo and convert then export to keyshot the rounded edges will not function.  There is an issue with keyshot reading the normals correctly.