Keyshot 8 features

Started by Paul Lang, September 18, 2018, 02:12:38 PM

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Paul Lang

Just peaking through the posted Keyshot 8 Manual. Looks like some great new features.... One feature I was hoping for was an improved pattern tool or scatter/instances to more accurately scatter things like grass and scatter them on other objects. Will there be a feature like this or did I miss it?



Not this go-round, I was hoping for something like that too, file that under the wish list forum, and see what happens! For now I'm still working in Cinema 4d and the MopGraph cloner toolset which gets the job done nicely.


 :) Unfortunately, as Matt mention, not in this version. They did add a primitive type of scattering that allows for simple geometry, flat squares (flakes) and spheres (bubbles) within a part. It's actually pretty powerful, but as you can imagine, still limited compared to full modeling suites.

I have had success scattering blades of grass in Blender3D, exporting that geometry and bringing it into Keyshot for rendering in the past. See this thread and scroll down for my example.

Paul Lang

Too bad, instancing is much more efficient than importing a large poly file from another app. I too am using blender to import things like grass but Keyshot struggles with that much geometry. Regarding the new flakes volume, why is it restricted to just circles and squares, why not allow for other shapes/pieces of geometry like grass/fur and many more etc. Attached screen grabs from the keyshot 8 video. It's cool but can only see it being useful if you could asign your own shapes. Keyshot already has a pattern too, just tweak it a little to allow a bit more  shattering control and the ability to attach the scattering to other objects. All other standalone renders have this now and is way more useful then making objects look like there made of circles or squares.

Perhaps I'm jumping he gun little and will have to wait until Keyshot 8 comes out and see.



We will certainly improve the scattering tools in the future. The bubbles and flakes geometry were added to address specific material needs for our users. We can certainly look into making the scattering tools more general. Feedback is appreciated.


There are all kinds of crazy things we could do with the Geometry Nodes that are introduced in KeyShot 8.
It's safe to say Flakes and Bubbles are just the beginning.
As Matt says, if you have specific requests, then please do post them with some motivation (why you need certain features) in the Wish List section of the forum. We do read and file those requests. :)


Paul Lang

Thanks, appreciate the response and I am interested to see what the new geometry node can do however I do believe being limited to just circles and squares is pretty restricting. The request for an improved pattern tool or instancing tool has been posted to the wish list several times and to be honest a good instancing tool can do exactly what is displayed in the attachments above from your keyshot 8 video and much more. A few tweaks to your existing pattern tool would give you the ability to add grass, foliage, hair, fur, particle systems and more to any object/geometry or independent volume, the uses are endless. Perhaps the geometry node can function like this by allowing to asign any shape/geometry instead of just circles and squares. As mentioned, instancing is much more efficient then importing existing geometry from other 3d programs, poly count/file size being the biggest issue. Keyshot has the ability to render exterior scenes but doesn't like the file sizes of imported mass geometry like grass/trees/particles etc. Updated pattern/instancing tool would solve that.




Where may I find the posted Keyshot 8 Manual? Is there a link so I can download?

Looking to learn more about the new Cutaway feature in KeyShot 8.




Well for us the Flakes feature is a killer. For the first time in ANY render app we have used we can properly visualise clear plastic with metallic flakes INSIDE the plastic (as opposed to on the surface). Like this.
Thanks to the great man Dries for showing me the way on this  :D


It'll probably be a few weeks yet before KS8 is deployed at my place of work. Can anyone who's had a chance to play with it let me know whether there's support for a secondary UV channel?


Not that I can tell. There is triplaner mapping and UV based labels which might work for you depending on what you are trying to accomplish. I personally think the name "labels" isnt' the right term anymore, lots of people are using them to layer materials, and that is easier to grasp how it works. Now if they added transfer modes between layers (labels and materials) that would be pretty cool.


Quote from: aptyler on October 02, 2018, 11:36:52 AM
It'll probably be a few weeks yet before KS8 is deployed at my place of work. Can anyone who's had a chance to play with it let me know whether there's support for a secondary UV channel?

As Matt mentioned you can access different uv mappings through labels (and as Matt mentioned you can think of these as layers of materials). We could add support for multiple uv channels (the engine already supports it). Out of curiousity; how you would get the secondary uv channel onto the model?


Quote from: quigley on October 02, 2018, 10:28:24 AM
Well for us the Flakes feature is a killer. For the first time in ANY render app we have used we can properly visualise clear plastic with metallic flakes INSIDE the plastic (as opposed to on the surface). Like this.
Thanks to the great man Dries for showing me the way on this  :D

Awesome! And we are going to make this even better in coming releases :-)