Glass and solid object interface

Started by Andrew_G, February 26, 2019, 11:14:13 PM

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I`m trying to figure it out how should look like simple glass - solid object interface.

I`m trying to render simple glass jar with a cream inside. The cream object is overlapping into glass sides a little. But now, I`m not sure what type of materials I should use.

I have quite ok results with cream objects as a plain plastic. But I`m not sure should I use here some specularity or not. But render can be quite noisy and it's not so fast.

I have better results when I use "normal" glass shader with refraction turned on. Cream looks much better - it's not so dark. Render time is ok, but the bottom of the jar looks not so good... And dont why, but white elements of the glass are transparent when I render it to PSD file.

Both methods are some kind of compromises. As I want to use solid glass material for perfect look of the jar. And I would really would like to use some kind of translucent material for the cream (maybe cloudy plastic). But then it takes forever to render and what is worst the cream looks way to dark.

I`m starting to wonder if is there a third way that I can acomplish my job without any compromises. Maybe you can help me out with this?


Hi, Andrew.
Do you have any photographic reference of what you want to achieve? It would be easier for me to understand it and give my opinion. Also, what version of Keyshot are you using?

Will Gibbons

Hi, there's a few approaches. I'd do a translucent material and solid glass. You want to make sure you're rendering with caustics enabled. There are some other things that could affect the outcome. Give that a shot and share the results and we can see what else needs improving.