"Up" direction seems varied, objects come in rotated 90 degrees

Started by CodyBrown, July 08, 2019, 06:57:02 AM

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I'm using the plugin to push models from NX12 to KeyShot. In NX, my up direction is always the Y axis. I then push the model to KeyShot using the plugin inside NX, it opens KeyShot and my model is laying down rotated -90 degrees around the X axis and is now laying down on its back. Not a big deal, I can select it and set the rotation back to 0 and it fixes it. Make a few changes on the NX side and use the plugin again to push an update, it now rotates my model again -90 degrees and lays it back down when the up direction on NX is still the Y axis.

Any advice on why this is happening to how to make it stop rotating my models by default on imports AND updates both?

Windows 7, NX 12, KS 8.2.80


Do you have the Up direction set in KS? I think the dialog only comes up when you are importing files.


Yes it is set.

even when I change a small thing on the model and push just an update, it lays it back down every time and changes the orientation on the position tab back to -90 degrees and i have to change it every time. even if i save it as soon as i push another update it lays it back down.