Translucent paint over advanced wood

Started by andylead, November 19, 2020, 08:46:04 PM

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Hi, I'm new to KS. I've been always rendering all my projects in Solidworks, but just two days with KeyShot and already getting better results.

I need to find the best way to get a cherry paint over procedural wood but still see the wood grain underneath. And also get a glossy polyurethane look on top.
So far I've been changing the wood color with winter/spring/summer/fall color pickers with good results, but I'm not sure if this is the correct way because it seem like I'm dyeing the wood instead of painting it. Plus, right now every time I want to change the wood color I have to chage all 4 color pickers and make sure the grain looks real. I was trying to put a translucent paint with Material Graph but I don't understand how to make it work.

Also, just to know. Is there any way to get the paint to follow the shape of the object to achieve a sunburst finish like this?
So far with Solidworks I've been rendering the 2 colours separately and masking it in Photoshop, but since KS seems to be a lot more powerful I'm hoping to get the job done with one render.

Thank you in advance, and sorry for so much questions!



Ok, been trying a little more with Material Graph and I ended up with:

Wood (advanced) -> Color Adjust (Color) -> Plastic (Diffuse) -> Material (Surface)
and also sent Wood (advanced) -> Plastic (Bump)

Still don't know if this is correct but I'm really happy with the results.

Any idea about the sunburst paint?



Hi Andy,

Welcome to the forum.

I just had a go at the guitar finish with sunburst paint. Attached is a scene (KeyShot 10) and screenshot.
I do think you will need to deep dive into the Material Graph to get the appearance just right and flexible, so that it works with minimal adjustments on different models.

To achieve the sunburst paint, the takeaway is to use an Occlusion (or Curvature) texture as an opacity map for the black color on the sides. Unlike most other procedural textures, the Occlusion texture is raytraced, and therefore allows you to "highlight" or color areas of the model with e.g. tight curvature, as would be the case on the sides of a guitar. The Occlusion texture can be used as opacity for a paint Label or as a alpha mask in a Color Composite node, depending on the requirements of the material. In the example, I went with the latter, and combined the black color on the sides with a procedural wood texture through a Color Composite node.

For the clear coat, I would suggest adding a black shiny Plastic material with high IOR (e.g. 2.5) as a Label, and use a dark grey color as opacity. A Color Adjust node (without inputs) is ideal to get a solid color for the opacity.

I tried to give the nodes sensible names, so hopefully the Material Graph setup makes sense. :)

I hope this helps.



Awesome, Dries,
very nice approach !!



You nailed it, Dries. That looks amazing!