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Grass test

Started by Brian Townsend, May 14, 2012, 01:49:07 AM

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Brian Townsend

Wanted to try creating and rendering grass. Would be nice to get more contrast in the sub surface scattering, perhaps different lighting would help. I'll be revisiting this one.


oh boy, you are close.
One thing I find is almost impossible is doing plants, trees,...etc nature in general with CGI.  Always feels stiff and cold.
Good luck can't wait to see what you come up with.


Looks a bit astro-turfy to me. Maybe make the grass a bit darker?


^^^^^ What he said, but that surely is close to looking right! Grading it will help as well, but you are very close!



Great start!  I`d love to hit my 3 wood from that lie.


Hi Brian,

Here's something to get you started in the right direction. Of course, i could do a lot more with a full 32-bit output but these ones aren't that bad either.

All the best,

Brian Townsend

Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone! @Voya, wow!!!  The color adjustments you made are a huge improvement.  Later tonight I'll upload a 32-bit version if you want to take a crack at it with the extra bit depth.



Shooter great adjustments. Can't wait to see what you can do with a 32bit image.
Is there a good resource on how to work a 32 bit image ?


To Brian,

Thank you, glad you like it:) Please do so and if possible include the alpha for the foreground elements (just to have more control over color correction) and i'll make your image pop.

To Feher,

As for the workflow, it's the same thing you do with an 8-bit img, nothing is different just save your rendering as Tif 32bit. Nice thing in Keyshot is that you don't have to worry about whether or not your texture needs gamma correction, is your backplate 8 or 32bit, which lens shaders you use on the rendering camera, the scene scale size in order for the lights to compute properly, are you looking at the rendered img with 2.2 gamma or not etc, none of that. Setting up a "linear" (32 bit) workflow in other rendering engines is pain in the neck. This is why i like Keyshot more and more every day, it's simple to set up:)

I use NukeX for the post-processing because all of the tools have been made to work in 32bit depth (it's not like Photoshop where 80-90% of the things doesn't work if your img is in 32bit space) but the latest Lightroom has integrated 32bit img processing, so if you're working out of PS this is the way to go.

All the best,


Well that's my problem. I have CS5 Master Edition but no LightRoom.....rrrrrr. Figured CS5 Master  would have covered all my bases, I thought WRONG !
Thanks for the info.

Brian Townsend


Wow that's great to hear that Lightroom will include the 32-bit image editing tools. I may have to jump on that. I've always been a bit frustrated with Photoshop and it's reduced 32-bit image editing capability. Here is a 32-bit TIFF and a "masks" image that you should be able to use to pull keys.  The background portion was an image mapped to a plane so that I could use 3D depth of field.  I assigned flat shaders to all geometry and rendered with DOF. Hopefully you can pull some decent keys in Nuke using this. Can't wait to see the result.

You can download the files here:



Hi Brian,

I've downloaded the files, it looks like your RGB masks are rendered half res (960x540) but it's not a big problem. I'll finish several variations by tomorrow night, if that's ok with you? Thanks.

All the best,



It looks like you shifted the camera while outputing RGB-alpha (please have a look at the attached img). It would be nice if you could provide the correct one.



Hi Brian,

Could you please do one more thing, disable the ball and grass, and output only the background as a separate img. I have some ideas but to make them happen i need the backplate without the foreground elements. Thanks

All the best,

Brian Townsend

Voya, haha. My apologies for the train wreck :/.  Here are some new files for you all 1280 X 720 with the BG in a separate file from the grass and ball. Can't wait to see the result!
